Product list

blueplanet 100 NX3 / 125 NX3 KACO new energy GmbH

blueplanet 100 NX3 / 125 NX3

Solar PV inverters for large-scale commercial and industrial roofs.

Your benefits at a glance

- 8/10 MPPTs for flexible PV array design (2 strings per MPPT)

- Up to 200% DC oversizing

- Superior efficiencies due to SiC technology

- Arc fault detection

- Pluggable SPDs

- AC Daisy Chaining

- Cyber security technology

- Reactive power at night possible

About us

Logo KACO new energy GmbH

KACO new energy, a subsidiary of Siemens AG, is a German manufacturer of inverters and battery storage systems. The product range covers a complete performance spectrum for systems ranging from single-family homes to multi-megawatt solar parks. Since

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